Legal notice


  • Victoires Haussmann SGP
  • Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €655,000
  • Paris trade and companies register no. 812 965 168 – AMF certification GP-16000005
  • VAT no.: FR72812965168
  • Head office: 134 boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris – France
  • Telephone:+33(0) 1 53 42 46 61  - Fax: +33 (0) 1 42 93 96 21
  • Email:

Director of publication: Adam OUBUIH – CEO


  • OVH
  • Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €10,059,500
  • Lille Métropole trade and companies register no. 424 761 419 00045
  • APE code 6202A – VAT no.: FR 22 424 761 419
  • Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Tel. 1007
Director of publication: Octave KLABA

  • Introduction

    The company Victoires Haussmann SGP (hereafter referred to as “Victoires Haussmann SGP” or the “Company”) is a portfolio management company of real estate alternative investment funds with French financial market authority (AMF) accreditation under AIFM directive no. 2011/61, working exclusively with professional or qualified customers in the sense of the MiFID II directive no. 2014/65 and the resulting French regulations.

    In the context of this AIF management activity, the Company directly or indirectly performs administration tasks for the AIFs managed and management and consulting activities for their assets.

    The Company’s accreditation permits the exercise of property investment consulting activities. Victoires Haussmann SGP holds the professional card CPI 7501 2016 000 011 259 issued by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the exercise of building and business transactions and property management activities.

    Financial guarantees:
    • “Property management” activity: 89 rue la Boétie, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE; amount of the guarantee: €120,000
    • "Building and business transactions" activity: 89 rue la Boétie, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE; amount of the guarantee: €120,000.

    ”Professional” civil liability for the principal activity of building and business transactions and property management, covered by GALIAN, 89 rue la Boétie, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE.

  • 1.2. Site contents

    This website provides general information about Victoires Haussmann SGP. It is not a marketing initiative for financial products, service offerings, financial canvassing, investment advice or any other regulated financial activity.

    The Company strives to ensure that all the information on this site is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right to correct site contents at any time and without notification. However, it cannot guarantee the completeness of information or the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus). On its website, the Company uses appropriate and proportional solutions and technologies to detect and prevent cyber-criminal threats and actions.

    The Company declines all liability (direct or indirect) in the event of delay, error or omission with regard to the contents of these pages and the use that may be made thereof by any individual, as well as in the case of service interruption or unavailability.

  • 1.3. Applicable law and copyright

    The terms of use of this website are governed by French law. Any interpretation or execution problems shall come under the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent French courts.

    The contents and signs of the website and all its pages are covered by intellectual property laws, regarding both form (choice, plan, layout of topics, means of accessing data, data organization, etc.), and all content elements (text, images, etc.).

    By exception, some content (text, images) may belong to their respective authors or holders of the various rights concerned.

    Reproduction, representation, distribution or re-distribution, downloading of all or part of the contents of this website to any medium and using any process whatsoever (notably by caching, framing) and sale, re-sale, retransmission or provision to a third party in any manner whatsoever are not authorized. Failure to comply with this ban represents a violation of the moral and/or property rights of the holders concerned and counterfeit liable to engage the civil and criminal liability of the author of the violation, notably in the case of counterfeit, unfair competition or parasitism procedures.

    No reproduction (using any technique) is permitted without prior, express and written authorization from the Company or, if applicable, the Constructa group companies concerned.


  • 1.4. Hypertext links

    The hypertext links to other websites do not engage the liability of the Company, notably with the regard to the contents of these sites or any direct or indirect damage that may result from the use of a third party site accessible via

    Victoires Haussmann SGP is not responsible for the hypertext links directing to this site and the use of any such links is subject to prior, express authorization.


  • 1.5. Liabilities
    • User hardware

    The Company cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to the User’s hardware when accessing the website, regardless of the cause.

    • Downloading

    The downloading of any logos, photos or images from the site is strictly forbidden without prior consent from the Company.


  • 2. Cookies, trackers and IP addresses

    A cookie is a file saved to a User’s hard disk by the server of the website visited. The file does not enable the User to be identified, but is used to save information about their use of the site. Cookies are used to analyze visit rates and to measure audience in order to improve the quality of the website. Browser software can be configured to inform the User of the presence of cookies and to refuse their use if desired. Some services will not be available if cookies are rejected.

    For more information:

    The User is informed when they use the site that cookies might be installed automatically in their browser software.

    The cookies from the Company’s website that are installed and/or read fall exclusively into the following categories:

    • Cookies whose exclusive purpose is to enable or facilitate electronic communication;
    • Cookies whose purpose is limited to the audience measurement of content viewed and used to produce anonymous statistics that are not processed in any other way;
    • Cookies that are necessary for the provision of a service expressly requested by the User.

    These cookies do not require the collection of consent from the individuals concerned.

    Furthermore, in compliance with applicable regulations, we hereby inform you that:
    • Victoires Haussmann SGP does not collect the IP addresses of the machines accessing this website;
    • The lifetime of our cookies does not exceed 13 months;
    • You have a right of opposition that may be exercised by sending your request to the DPO ( .


The Company hereby undertakes to do its utmost to ensure the protection, confidentiality and security of any personal data collected, according to the obligations set out in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) no. 2016/ 679.

Personal data processing and purposes

The data processed by the Company in the context of its activity are collected from its business relations or, if applicable, third parties.
Data are processed for various purposes that may or may not require the collection of consent from the individuals concerned, depending on the applicable legislation or the contractual context concerned. Specific conservation periods apply to the financial and property activities of Victoires Haussmann SGP. In all cases, the individuals concerned are informed in compliance with regulatory requirements.
Even without the consent of the individuals concerned, processing related to the execution of a legal or regulatory obligation (notably and not exclusively: rules applicable to the management of collective investments, financial investment advice, activities that come under the provisions of the Hoguet law, the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, the fight against tax evasion, etc.), or a contractual obligation is lawful.

Conditions of exercise of the rights of the individuals concerned

Victoires Haussmann SGP informs the individuals concerned of the following information:

The period of conservation of personal data is 5 years from the date of the end of the business relationship. In compliance with the relevant regulations on the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing (article L561-32 of the French monetary and financial code), Victoires Haussmann SGP considers the end of a business relationship at group level.

Specific periods of conservation may be applied in relation to the real estate activities of the Company (notably in application of the law of 10 July 1965 on joint ownership and the decree of 31 March 1967). The nature of certain documents (in application of articles L123-22 of the French code of commerce, 2224 and 2227 of the French civil code), the existence of procedures or a legal risk, or the existence of internal control obligations (article L621-15 of the French monetary and finance code) also imply specific rules for the conservation of data and documents related to the activities of Victoires Haussmann SGP. The individuals concerned are informed of these periods when their personal data is collected.

With regard to personal data collected for prospecting purposes (except in the case of specific professional AIF management which does not comprise active commercialization or marketing), the maximum period of conservation of personal data is 3 years form the date of the last unanswered communication.

  • Victoires Haussmann SGP, whose head office is located 134 boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris, France, is responsible for processing in the sense of the GDPR;
  • The contact address for the Company’s DPO is: Victoires Haussmann SGP, Data Protection Officer (DPO), 134 boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris, France. The email address for the DPO is: DPO (;
  • For the collection and/or processing of personal data, the individuals concerned are informed of the purposes and, if applicable, of the qualification of a legitimate interest, and of the recipients or categories of recipients of the data collected;
  • If applicable, the individuals concerned will be informed of the existence of any personal data transfer to a third country and this country’s compliance with GDPR obligations;
  • The individuals concerned have rights concerning the access, rectification or deletion, removal, limitation, opposition and portability of their personal data and the right to file a complaint with an inspection authority (CNIL).
Measures to control processing and the associated risks

The applications hosted remotely and the personal data collected are saved on servers located in France.

The Company’s GDPR compliance processes demand the documentation of each control step to justify the approach, means used and robustness of the solutions implemented.

The entities whose personal data present a specific risk implement impact analysis tools.

Regarding any subcontractors selected to perform personal data processing actions on behalf of the Company, the Company requires such subcontractors to respect the same obligations in the area of personal data protection.

The security system (password rules, anti-virus network security and firewall, partitioning of directories and applications for each entity, department, personal profile or specific approval) includes a plan to ensure periodic monitoring of network activity both internally and externally to detect possible thefts or unlawful reproduction of personal data.

If any failures are identified or suspected, the security plan demands implementation of the regulatory procedure to notify the individuals concerned and the inspection authority (CNIL), if applicable.


  • Charles Forerunn
  • David Menidrey
  • Nathan Cima
  • Pawel Czewinski
  • Daniel Sessler
  • Absolutvision